Frequently Asked Questions
How many projects can I have?
You can have as many projects as you need. So if you have a website, and app, and a some email templates, you can create a project for each.
How many strings can I have?
As many as you need. No limits.
How do I invite my team?
Navigate to the Team tab in the app, and click the invite button in the members section. Your subscription will automatically update with the right pricing.
Which file formats are supported?
We support import and export JSON, XML, .strings and .xcstrings file formats.
Need something else? Write us!
Are the translations accurate?
We use AI to translate into any language you'd like. Not all languages are created equal, and sometimes a word or a sentence can be understood in several ways. This happens in real life, and with AI too. We recommend using translation as a good baseline, and reviewing all translations with a native speaker, to dial in the wording and tone of voice.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Navigate to the Team tab in the app. Click "Manage subscription" in the bottom right. This takes you to your payment dashboard, where you can cancel and resume your subscription.
How do I update my payment details?
Navigate to the Team tab in the app. Click "Manage subscription" in the bottom right. This takes you to your payment dashboard, where you can update your payment method.
Why is Texta a Mac app?
Theres two simple reasons:
1. We believe everyday tools work better as a desktop app, simply integrates better with other workflows.
2. This is the platform we were able to build the highest quality experience, the quickest.